Within the scope of the construction of “Ankara-Sivas Railway Project, Kayaş-Kırıkkale Viaducts” which was awarded to Doğuş Construction as the sole contractor in February 2014; the Company started to produce bridge deck slabs of Turkey’s highest YHT (high-speed train) viaducts with MSS (movable scaffolding system). In the “Stretching the Limit” titled article written by Bridgeweb editor Helena Russell, technical details of the project and the editor’s impressions during her visit to the construction site attracted great attention of the sector authorities.
Within the scope of the project that involves the construction of 4 viaducts with a total length of 6.216 m and a contract value of approximately 290 Million TRY; 1st phase concrete of the bridge deck slap with 90 meter spans was poured in a single time for the 1st time in Turkey with this method applied by Doğuş Construction. The project is also the 1st in world literature with this technic.
Furthermore, Doğuş Construction that has been producing ready-mixed concrete in different classes for more than 50 years, for the 1st time in this project started mass production of C60 concrete in compliance with QA standards and applied them in bridge deck slab concrete.