The project involves the construction of 152 km of 2 x 3 lane motorway, 100 km of side roads, 21 bridges, 16 viaducts, a railroad bridge, 89 overpasses and underpasses,
177 boxes and pipe culverts. This is the first project to be implemented by a Turkish Contractor financed by foreign capital with no partnership or joint venture.
- Location Edirne / TÜRKİYE
- Client Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Highways (KGM)
- Total Length of the Motorway 152 km, 2 x 3 Lane and 100 km Side Roads
- Excavation 59.466.085 m³
- Fill 34.021.760 m³
- Subbase 2.169.004 m³
- Base 1.068.253 m³
- Bituminous Pavement 1.282.257 m³
- No. of Bridges 21, L = 2.075 m
- No. of Viaducts 16, L = 6.553 m
- No. of Railroad Bridges 1, L = 104 m
- No. of Overpasses and Underpasses 89, L = 7.280 m
- No. of Boxes and Pipe Culverts 177, L = 14.870 m
- Concrete 1.076.187 m³
- Pile Works 87.488 m³